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Muhammad Khairulanam Bin Zakaria


Tuesday, 6 October 2015

8 True Stories Of People Who Survived Some Of The Freakiest, Most Bizarre Accidents

  • 1. This man who was betrayed by his toilet bowl when it exploded into a thousand pieces
    • Michel Pierre of New York City received a big surprise one day while checking the water pressure in his apartment. Following a maintenance in the apartment, Michel was checking how the toilet would flush but little did he know, an innocent tap would have led to the toilet blasting into tiny shards of porcelain shards.
    • His wounds required 30 stitches, and the understandably traumatised Michel now flushes from afar with using a rope.
  • 2. This tree surgeon who fell on a live chainsaw and almost beheaded himself
    • Tom Connelly was at work cutting a branch off a horse chestnut tree when he slipped and fell onto the chainsaw, slicing through a third of his neck. Numerous blood vessels in his neck were severed, including his jugular vein, and he missed his carotid artery by just 1mm – an injury that would have killed him instantly.

Monday, 5 October 2015

7 Perkara Ekstrem Yang Pemandu Malaysia Buat Untuk Dapatkan Lebih Petrol

  • 1. Lepas dah habis isi, nozel pam akan diketuk beberapa kali untuk pastikan SETIAP TITIK minyak masuk ke dalam tangki. Setitik minyak yang jatuh kat tanah dianggap satu pembaziran besar!
    • Bagai cecair emas tertumpah, kita akan cukup terkilan kalau ada minyak jatuh ke tanah, walaupun SETITIK.

2. Kita akan isi minyak pada waktu malam atau awal pagi sebab cuaca lebih sejuk. Kalau isi masa siang dalam kepanasan cuaca Malaysia, kita percaya minyak akan lebih tersejat ke udara. Jadi, memang rugilah!
    • Tapi sebenarnya, minyak yang sedia ada dalam tangki bawah tanah tu memang dah sejuk. Oleh itu, kepercayaan bahawa kita akan dapat lebih minyak kalau isi pada waktu malam ni hanyalah mitos. Isi pada waktu siang atau malam sebenarnya sama je.

      Mengepam minyak pada waktu malam memang dah jadi ritual kita dari minggu ke minggu, apatah lagi kita memang cukup selesa berpakaian santai dan sempoi.
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